Balanced Private Practice

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Are You Prioritizing People Over Your Own Financial Well-Being?

I saw a post in a big therapist group where the original poster said something to the effect of "I'm not used to prioritizing money over people." Then went on to describe a situation where their personal finances suffered greatly due to not maintaining their boundaries in their practice.

As therapists, it is easy to feel like we are not allowed to prioritize financial success. We often make decisions about our business that reflect this belief system. However, I believe there is a fundamental flaw in this outlook that sets us apart from other professions. Let's challenge the status quo and embrace the idea that financial success can coexist with our passion for helping others. At Balanced Private Practice, we firmly believe this to be true.

Our Primary Goal is to Support and Help Our Clients. 

However, it's vital to acknowledge the value of our expertise and the significant impact we can have on people's lives. By recognizing the importance of financial stability, we can establish sustainable practices that allow us to continue helping others in the long run. Maintaining a financially sound practice not only allows us to provide high-quality services but also ensures our longevity in this field, enabling us to extend our support and assistance to more individuals over time.

It's incredibly crucial to strike a delicate balance between our sincere desire to help others and the absolute necessity of protecting our own well-being. Now, let's take a moment to switch gears and recognize the importance of embracing the idea that we truly deserve fair compensation for our expertise and unwavering dedication. By doing so, we can lay a solid professional groundwork and make a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.

Therapy is Our Livelihood, and It Should Never Be Overlooked or Taken For Granted

We should never forget that our profession is our livelihood. We have an obligation to ourselves and our clients to maintain the highest standards of practice. This means setting boundaries that protect us from burnout, ensuring client safety, and providing a strong foundation for our work. Let's remember that by taking care of ourselves, we can better serve those who rely on us.

So, when we don't prioritize our own financial well-being, we are actually doing a disservice to the client. You are not prioritizing money over people by having clear policies and boundaries when it comes to finances. You're protecting the relationship and the clinical work you're doing by not allowing money and finances to become a negative force in the therapeutic relationship.

Having financial boundaries allows us to protect both ourselves and our clients. 

But also the therapeutic relationship! It keeps our practices safe from unexpected surprises. It lets the focus be on the therapeutic work that needs to be done rather than on the financial agreements or disagreements between therapist and client. Furthermore, it allows us to create an environment of trust where we can reach our full potential as clinicians without fear or worry about our finances. 

When We Don't Hold Boundaries, Negative Feelings Surface

When we don't hold boundaries, negative emotions, and financial stress can become sources of resentment. Toward our clients, and toward ourselves. This resentment will inevitably show up in our work no matter how hard we try not to allow it. These negative feelings will create tension in the therapeutic relationship and prevent clients from getting the healing that they need. 

Because we are human, these feelings will only serve to remind us that the boundary we so carefully set was allowed to be violated. This teaches us about the boundaries we need to hold. But also, why they are important for both our own financial well-being and for the therapeutic alliance. Additionally, embracing and reinforcing these boundaries empowers us to create a safe and supportive environment for ourselves and our clients, fostering growth and healing.

Connect Your Policies to Clear “Whys”

Let's start connecting your policies and boundaries to clear "whys". This means framing the "why" in a way that emphasizes the protection of the clinical work. We won't allow outside influence or personal preference to take the lead. For instance:

  • Holding firm to your cancellation policy because if you don't, you might not be able to pay your bills. 

  • Not allowing clients to accrue debt beyond one unpaid session because client debt interferes with the therapeutic alliance. 

  • Having time limits on your reduced fee spots because you know how much income you need and how many clients you can see without burning out. 

When you establish a connection between your policies and their role in safeguarding the integrity of clinical work, it becomes easier to maintain boundaries. Moreover, this connection serves as a reminder that our priority is not money, but rather the well-being of the people we serve. By taking care of our financial stability, we are ultimately protecting our clients and nurturing the therapeutic alliance.

Work with a Business Coach for Therapists in Sacramento, CA, and Nationwide! Take Your Practice to the Next Level.

As a therapist, it's so important to prioritize financial stability and maintain healthy boundaries. Remember, you don't have to face these challenges alone. I'm here to support you every step of the way, helping you make informed decisions that will benefit both your practice and personal life. Whether it's navigating fee adjustments, strategizing marketing efforts, or establishing a business structure that suits your needs, I've got your back. At Balanced Private Practice, we understand the importance of holding boundaries when it comes to money as a therapist.

By making your financial stability a priority, you can better serve your clients and build a practice that supports the life you and your family deserve. We provide business coaching and guidance to help you make informed decisions that align with your values, ensuring your financial well-being and maximizing your impact. Let's collaborate to create a practice that not only meets your current needs but also secures your future. So, if you're interested, let's have a chat about how we can work together. If you're interested in beginning:

  • Apply to Work with Me

  • Learn More About Me and My Programs

  • Let's Conquer Your Financial Boundaries Today!

Other Business Programs Offered at Balanced Private Practice

You might want to take a peek at the other awesome business programs we have in store for you at Balanced Private Practice. We've got a wide array of programs that'll assist you in crafting the business and life you've been dreaming of. I offer a range of programs specially designed for therapists, including marketing coaching and training, as well as business planning and consulting. This means you can start building your private practice on your own terms or restructure it to match your unique reality. The programs I provide are: One on One Business CoachingPrivate Practice Mentorship, Private Practice Quick Start, and Fee Setting Success.  If you want to gain clarity and direction on building a thriving private practice, I'm here to help. Let's do the damn thing!

About the Author

Meet Audrey Schoen, LMFT! As a dedicated business consultant, entrepreneur, and expert in setting financial boundaries, Audrey is here to serve you in your private practice. With firsthand experience as a successful practice owner and a parent of twins, she understands the delicate balance between financial sustainability, client care, and self-care. Audrey specializes in helping practitioners establish healthy financial boundaries and navigate client relationships. If you're a private practice owner seeking guidance on setting fees and serving clients effectively, Audrey provides actionable steps and empowering insights to help you make informed decisions. Her invaluable support will aid you in building a thriving and fulfilling practice that prioritizes both financial success and client well-being. Get ready for an exciting journey in private practice with Audrey by your side!