Don't let money fears hold you back from achieving your dream practice.

My own path to $350 and beyond started with a financial plan and support. I took control of my income and made the changes needed to reach my goals. I made plenty of mistakes and learned a lot along the way. And I am sharing them all with YOU.

Whatever your dream fee,

I believe you can get there too! 

Get the Path to $350:

A case study and workbook to grow your income and achieve your dream fee, and get after your dream fee and practice.

Ready to level up your private practice and income? 

Inside you will find lessons, journal prompts, and action steps to help you:

✓  Create strategies to increase your income without working more

✓  Craft a fee structure that supports your financial wellbeing

✓  Identify gaps in your practice finances and money mindset that are costing you

✓  Stop acting from a place of fear and start makin data-based decisions for your business

✓  Set boundaries and create policies that align with your financial goals

✓  Address limiting beliefs about clients and money that are keeping you stuck

All interwoven into a real-life story that normalizes the challenges of private practice.

You might know that my fee for therapy is $350.

Say what!?

Or maybe this is the first time you’ve heard.

So you might also be wondering, how did I get there… and why $350.

The thing is, my practice started and grew very much like most therapists. Along the way, I made some key decisions that broke the mold and made a big difference. The lessons I learned and the decisions I made got me where I am today.

This is why I believe that you can achieve your dream fee, just as I have. And why I created Path to $350. To share my lessons learned, with actionable steps to help you do the same. I lay it all out, the hard realities, the life-altering lessons, the strategic action steps. So you can create your own path to your own dream fee.

Grab your copy of Path to $350: A case study and workbook to grow your income and achieve your dream fee.

So often I have been asked how I got to charge $350 per session.

My practice didn't start like that.

It's honestly kind of a long story, full of challenges, mistakes, lessons learned, and risks taken.

And I want to share them all with you!

See what others are saying…

I am super excited to share this with you and can’t wait to hear all about the big things you do in your practice!

Grab your copy of the Path to $350 guided workbook and get a MASSIVE headstart in your own journey to achieving your dream fee and ideal practice!

I want to introduce you to my husband.

He is kind of a badass.

When we met he was an Air Force bomb tech. He became a police officer, hunted down violent people, investigated big cases, was a member of the police bomb team, and is now a detective on a joint task force with the FBI.


For many years he not only worked 60+ hours per week as an officer but was also in the Airforce reserve. And it was killing him, and our marriage.

For years I urged him to take better care of himself. To prioritize his health, as I did with my own, especially after our twins arrived.

What I didn’t realize… he was killing himself so I didn’t have to worry. Worry about contributing to the household income. Worry about losing sleep because I had to get up for work after a rough night with the kids. Worry about missing the gym because my schedule was too busy.

All the while he was overworked, stressed, tired, and his health was suffering… and our marriage was failing. 

I had to face the fact that he was subsidizing me, my lifestyle, my low-fee clients, my choices..

It seems so obvious in retrospect. 

The moment I realized it I made changes, mainly to my practice. I was determined to give him the freedom to leave the reserves and to work less overtime. One year later he left the reserves.

I had to make sweeping changes to my business. Many were counter to what I thought I was supposed to do as a therapist. They broke the mold. But they saved my husband's life and my marriage.

That’s why I want to share my story with you. It’s all contained in Path to $350. Along with the lessons, journal prompts, and action steps to help you achieve your dream fee and create your ideal practice. A practice that supports your well-being.

 Got Questions?

  • Absolutely. Path to $350 will help you pave to way to charging sustainable fees long term.

  • It’s not about the number. It is about making sure that you are charging a fee that is right for your practice and your needs/wants. Whatever the number, Path to $350 will help you find that fee and create a plan with action steps to reaching that fee.

  • I get this question all the time. I am a testament to the fact that yes, you can charge that much, whatever that much is for you. And Path to $350 can help you create an actionable plan to get there.

  • Due to the digital nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds. As such, please contact me with any questions, and ensure this training is suitable for your needs before purchasing.

  • Great! Use the chat box at the right bottom corner of this page and let’s chat. 🧡