Mindset Matters When It Comes to Growing Your Business

There was a moment when I was chatting with one of my business besties this week. We were talking about a fear she was experiencing about her practice. She was feeling frustrated and stuck. Her clients were suddenly dropping and new calls were just not coming in. I could relate as I have been there many times myself.

Often, when something isn't working and I'm sure I'm not alone in this, I start wondering what I'm doing wrong and if I've done enough. I start looking for things to change. Yet, none of that seems to make much of a difference. I end up feeling scattered and overwhelmed.

A redheaded woman sits outside contemplating growing her business. Work with a Private Practice Business Coach in California to learn the skills to effectively expand your business.

But, One Day, Something Magical Happened.

My friend felt as if she was able to let go of the fear and frustration holding her back. She was more able to focus on the positive steps she could take to really grow her therapy group. This had been a point of resistance for her for weeks. And within hours, literally hours, of releasing this fear, things started happening. After she allowed this mental mind block to move out of her way, one of her full-fee clients returned and she even received an inquiry from an ideal new client.

Now, I will admit that I have always been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to things like this. The idea that our fate or an outcome could be determined by some mystical force has always felt a bit scary and uncontrollable to me. I like taking action. You see, I'm a doer, a fixer. I prefer to have concrete steps and strategies to achieve my goals. While those are necessary components, I was missing something that could explain.

Our Energy and Emotions Had a Direct Correlation to the Success of Our Actions.

What has become so obvious to me over the last few weeks is that mindset matters. When we are stuck in a mindset of scarcity and fear, things just don't seem to go the way we plan. However, when we let go and lean into the things that bring us joy and stretch our edges, abundance follows. It's a powerful reminder of how important it is to keep our mindset in check when it comes to growing our business.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Where if you feel you can do something, then you are more likely to actually follow through and achieve it. However, if you stay stuck in a mindset of fear and scarcity, then you will unconsciously block yourself from achieving your goals.

Our Mindsets About Our Businesses are so Important to Its Success.

Being a practice owner can be stressful and overwhelming at times. We are responsible for every aspect of our businesses and feel as though we must always have the answers. Leading us to be where my business bestie was, stuck in a place of fear and doubt. Yet, the chances a lot of us got into private practice is to have more time and energy for our family. Not to be stuck in a cycle of stress and overwhelm.

If we allow the cycle to continue, we might find ourselves in the same place a few months or even years down the road. That is why it is important to take control of our mindsets and reframe our thoughts to ones of growth and abundance. This can be done in a multitude of ways.

A young stylish black woman stands on the street, purse in hand on her journey toward growing her business. Work with a Private Practice Business Coach in Sacramento, CA today.

Ways to Manage Your Mindset

We are therapists who often tell others to take time for themselves and to practice self-care. And yet, many of us forget that this applies to us as well. This extends to our business practices. We have to set our business up to allow us to take the time and engage in activities we need to stay healthy and grounded.

Find a Mentor or Coach to Help You Keep Your Mindset in Check.

If your private practice is not currently designed to fit into your life, find a coach or mentor who can help you create it. It's amazing what can be accomplished when we are able to view our business from a different perspective. It can also help to reframe our thoughts from fear and scarcity to ones of growth and abundance. We are no longer stressed about where our next client is coming from or if we can afford to take a vacation.

We start to trust that we can make our business work for us and our life.  You shouldn't have to fit into your business schedule, your business should fit into your life. Having someone to support you in growing and managing it will help you stay organized, focused, and positive.

Schedule Self-Care Into Your Business Plan.

Make sure to schedule activities that allow you to recharge and reflect. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the ebb and flow of our business. To get so caught up in the hustle and grind of it all that we forget to take a step back and check in with ourselves. That's why it is so important to make sure you are taking the time for self-care activities like yoga, meditation, or even a long walk. These activities will keep your mental health in check and can be so beneficial for your business.

Sometimes, this can be where the best ideas, strategies, and solutions come from. This time allows for the negative mindset to be pushed aside. Allowing it to be replaced with the creative ideas and energy that can help us continue to grow our businesses. Which can support you with better outcomes for yourself and your clients.

Begin Working with a Business Coach for Therapists in Sacramento, CA, and Nationwide

Your mindset matters. And it can also be the difference between success and failure of your business. At Balanced Private Practice, we want to help you learn tools that will help increase your income and show up fully in both your personal & professional life. Together, we can reframe your mindset and create a business that works for you. Allowing your practice to run for years to come with balanced and sustainable growth. So, if you're interested, we can chat about how we can work together. If you're interested in beginning:

  • Apply to Work with Me

  • Learn More About Me and My Programs

  • Reframe Your Mindset for Better Business Outcomes!

Other Business Programs Offered at Balanced Private Practice

You may not be an established business owner, and that's ok. You can learn the ropes with me. We offer a variety of programs that will help you strike a balance in your practice today. I provide a range of programs for therapists to help them in their practice, from marketing coaching and training to business planning and consulting. This way you can begin building your private practice on your terms or restructuring it to fit your reality. The programs I provide are Private Practice Mentorship, Private Practice Quick Start, and Fee Setting Success.  If you want to gain clarity and direction on building a thriving private practice, I'm here to help. Let's do the damn thing!

Audrey Schoen. Private Practice Business Coach in Sacramento, CA.

About the Author

Meet Audrey Schoen, LMFT, business consultant, and entrepreneur. She is dedicated to supporting solo private practice owners in overcoming mindset challenges while achieving sustainable incomes and navigating insurance complexities. With firsthand experience as a successful private practice owner and a parent of twins, Audrey understands the delicate balance between work, parenthood, and self-care. She simplifies complex information into actionable steps, empowering practitioners to confidently launch their practices, avoid costly mistakes, and build thriving and fulfilling practices aligned with their lives. Audrey's passion lies in transforming mindset struggles and providing invaluable guidance to help individuals unlock their true potential.


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