You're Doing "All the Things" So Why Isn't It Working?

A therapist sitting in an orange chair with his feet up working on bolstering his website. Business Coaching for Therapists in Sacramento, CA can help develop and reach goals to grow your business.

You've finally got your business set up and you put up profiles on directories so you can begin reaching more potential clients. You have your website up and designed to fit your brand and you've told everyone you know that you're ready to take on clients. Perhaps, you've even signed up for Headway or something similar... But, where are the clients? Why aren't they flocking to you and your practice?

I get asked this question often and to be honest, I never know how to answer because, in reality, I don't quite know what others are doing. People might even say they are doing the same things as me. So, I've given this a lot of thought and have a few ideas of what might be happening. So, in this blog, it's time for some hard truths and we are going to look at all the things you might be doing, but not doing them in a way that will move your business forward.

In Regard to Your Directory Profile

You have your directory profile or profiles, and that is great. But they don't stand out from the rest of the profiles on the directory. They blend into the sea of other therapists and so potential clients don't connect with the profile. In order for your profile to make a connection, you need to write it in an engaging way and address your potential clients.

When writing your directory, write as if you are talking to your potential clients, face to face, and start speaking about the pain, problems, or challenges they are facing.  Also, use this opportunity to tell your story and why you do what you do. Potential clients want to know, like, and trust their therapist before they begin sessions with them.

Your Website

Your website is up and that is a great first step. However, if it's unclear who you serve or what services you offer, potential clients will not stay on your website. This lack of information doesn't give anyone anything to go off of and so potential clients won't trust that you can help them. It doesn't pass the know, like, trust factor. Your website is bare bones and you aren’t sure how to market it. So, it is challenging for a potential client to connect with you and your website.

In order to make your website more effective, you need to be clear on who your ideal clients are, what services you provide, and what the process is to work with you. Letting clients know if they are interested in working with you in how to show you they're interested will help to convert clients. This is due to you directing them on what to do next. When potential clients have to struggle to figure out how to reach you, they might give up and go somewhere else.

A therapist works with a client virtually but is struggling to fill her caseload representing someone who could benefit from online Business Coaching for Private Practice Owners in Sacramento, CA.

Planning Out Your Networking Strategy

You've been telling your friends that you are ready to take on clients but you've not been networking consistently and strategically. Word of mouth can be great, but it's not necessarily the most effective in this digitized age where everyone is online and connected. You need to be visible in places where your potential clients are looking for therapists.

You Also Need to Be Visible When Potential Clients Are Looking For Answers Online, and, Perhaps, Even Engage in Articles or Podcasts That Potential Clients Are Listening To.

To do this, you are going to need to have a plan for who you are going to reach out to, the methods of communication you are going to use, and a strategy for how you are going to reach out. For example, what method of marketing will you use?  Will you be using social media, implementing SEO, email newsletters, or even attending conferences? Knowing what methods you are going to use is key to creating a successful networking strategy.

What's Your Niche, Again?

You are wanting to reach potential clients and support them with their problems, but you haven't been able to define your niche. I know this because when potential clients ask what kind of work you do, you almost list every single service you offer. It's an amazing trait to want to help everyone but it is also important to be able to define your niche as it helps you to attract your actual ideal clients.

Niching down may seem intimidating and I understand that. However, it helps you decide what aspect of therapy you enjoy and want to focus on. Think about it, who do you enjoy helping the most and what kind of problems do you like to solve? When your niche is defined, potential clients will be able to clearly understand the services you offer and will be confident in your abilities as a therapist.

You're Not Being Authentic

Being authentic is really important when potential clients are looking for a therapist they connect with. It can be hard to be authentic when you are trying to market yourself and feel like you have to act a certain way. You might be hiding your authenticity because what if it turns people away… But what if it leads your ideal clients to you?

By being authentic, you're allowing potential clients to get to know you as not only a therapist but as a person. You are letting them know that you are knowledgeable, confident, and capable. It allows people to know and like you so that they can begin to trust you as their therapist.

A therapist works on her laptop building connections and content on her website utilizing the skills learned working with a Business Coach for Therapists in Sacramento, CA.

You're Nervous and Uncertain

When it comes to consulting with potential clients, you feel nervous and uncertain. I understand that feeling, but your potential clients can feel that too. If you appear nervous and uncertain in a consult with a patient, they may take it as a sign that you don't know what you are doing. You're new at this, and I get it, but you can still appear confident to potential clients.

One Way to Appear More Confident When Consulting With Potential Clients is to Prepare For the Consultation.

Look over the forms the potential client has filled out stating why they are seeking services, their background information, and any other relevant information. This way, when the potential client comes in for their consultation you will already have a basic understanding of their issues and concerns. Also, when you are speaking about your services, do so confidently and passionately. You have worked so hard to get to where you are and your potential clients should know that.

You're Not Confident in Yourself

Lastly, and I say this with all the love, you don't radiate confidence in your own incredible abilities. When you lack confidence in yourself and your abilities, potential clients can sense it. You have come so far, and you need to show that confidence. You have worked hard to become the incredible therapist that you are and to begin seeing clients. Believe in your abilities, and potential clients with begin to believe in them too.

One way to remind yourself of how great you are is to keep a folder of accomplishments or good reviews you have received. When times get tough, look at the folder and it will rekindle that confidence in yourself. This can help you reframe your negative thoughts and shoo that imposter syndrome out the door.

I Want You to be Successful

Now, I don't say any of these things to be critical of you or your work. I have done all of the things I mentioned in the past. I am saying these things because I want you to be successful in your marketing and as a therapist. I want your efforts to be effective. So, here is a tip, in marketing, there is a big difference between doing things and doing them effectively. Small tweaks can make a BIG difference. So, what tweaks can you make?

Interested in Business Coaching in the United States?

You may be doing all the things but if you're not doing them effectively, you're not reaching your potential as a therapist. Your marketing should be tailored to you, your services, and your clients. I offer business coaching for therapists located in the United States. Together we create a guide to create YOUR practice that fits YOUR reality. So, if you're interested in improving your marketing and creating an effective plan for your business, whether you're established or not, here’s your chance. If you're ready to get started :

  • Apply to Work with Me

  • Learn More About Me and My Programs

  • Begin Making Small Tweaks to Do Things Effectively!

Other Business Programs Offered at Balanced Private Practice

I understand that you may be looking for more options than just business coaching, or as known on my website as Coaching 1:1. I offer a range of programs for therapists to help them in their practice, from marketing coaching and training to business planning and consulting. This way you can begin building your private practice on your terms or restructuring it to fit your reality. The programs I provide are Private Practice Mentorship, Private Practice Quick Start, and Fee Setting Success.  If you're looking to gain clarity and direction on how to build a thriving private practice, I'm here to help. Let's do the damn thing!

Audrey of The Balanced Practice offers Business Coaching for Therapists in Sacramento, CA in order to help grow and sustain their private practices.

About the Author

Audrey Schoen is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), business consultant, entrepreneur, and mother. She is the Founder of Balanced Private Practice, where she empowers therapists to thrive in their private practices with her easy-going, straightforward, and down-to-earth approach.

With years of experience in business development and marketing, Audrey specializes in distilling complex information into simple action steps. As a mother of twins, Audrey understands the challenges of balancing work, parenthood, and self-care, and she designed her private practice around her life, not the other way around.

Despite facing challenges and making mistakes along the way, Audrey has achieved her dream of a successful and sustainable practice with ideal clients, and she is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience to help other therapists achieve their own dreams.


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