The Most Common Barrier to Attracting and Booking Private Pay Clients

Want to know the MOST common thing I see that holds therapists back from attracting and booking ideal clients? A well-written, designed, and SEO-optimized website. Your website is your online storefront, the first impression you make on potential clients. It should be a warm, inviting space that speaks their language, understands their struggles, and whispers, "You're not alone." But often, it falls short. It might be generic, technical jargon-laden, or simply...uninspiring. This translates to missed connections and an empty appointment calendar.

BTW, want $200 credit to my biz? Keep reading…

Why We Struggle with Website Copy:

  • Lack of marketing expertise: We're therapists, not marketing copywriters. Crafting compelling calls to action and SEO-optimized content feels like a foreign language.

  • Time constraints: Between sessions, paperwork, and continuing education, squeezing in website content creation feels impossible.

  • Fear of self-promotion: We're trained to be compassionate listeners, not boastful self-promoters. The thought of shouting our services from the rooftops can feel icky.

I know all this because I've been there.

A few years in, my practice was thriving – My caseload was full. BUT, my fees were all over the place and I wanted to reach a wider audience and attract clients willing and able to invest in my full fee. I knew a website revamp was key, but I lacked the time for a DIY approach. So, instead of limping along I decided it was time to outsource. After interviewing several copywriters, I stumbled upon Anna Walker. Her work stood out, and after the first round of website pages, I knew I had made the right decision.

Anna’s ability to translate my therapeutic approach into clear, engaging copy was like magic. Her work on my website has made it one of the most valuable assets in my therapy practice marketing, helping me consistently attract and book clients at my full fee ($350+/hour). Since then, Anna has become my go-to for website updates and new specialties. More importantly, she's become a friend.

Witnessing Anna's magic firsthand, I knew I had to share it with fellow therapists. But I know that while Anna's done-for-you services are fantastic, it’s not always accessible to everyone. That's why I was thrilled when she launched Confident Copy, a group coaching program designed specifically for therapists who want to write their own website copy and confidently launch their marketing.

Confident Copy is not just about writing; it's about empowerment.

Anna guides you through every step, from defining your niche and attracting ideal clients to crafting SEO-optimized copy that converts. You'll learn valuable skills you can use to update your website, add new services, and future-proof your online presence.

Here is some hard truth… Confident Copy is not a magic wand. It requires commitment and effort on your part. But with Anna's expertise, the supportive community, and a proven framework, you'll be surprised at how much you can achieve.

Here's what you get:

  • Define your ideal client: Discover exactly who you're meant to serve and how to speak their language.

  • Craft captivating copy: Learn to write magnetic website content that resonates with your ideal client and compels them to take action.

  • SEO optimization: Ensure your website ranks high in search results, leading more potential clients to your door.

  • Community and support: Connect with a supportive group of therapists and get expert guidance from Anna herself.

    BONUS: When you use my affiliate link to purchase Confident Copy, you also get $200 credit toward any of my courses!

And also what it’s not:

  • It’s not a quick fix. The program requires dedicated effort over the 16 weeks to achieve the incredible outcome it promises (and it really is incredible).

  • It's not a website design course or a branding course. You'll need to handle the design and branding yourself (though Anna does offer a discount code for templates).

  • It’s not a “build it and they will come” situation (most of the time). You'll still need to market your practice. But Confident Copy equips you with the language and confidence to do it yourself.

Remember, the program equips you with the skills to write compelling copy for an SEO-optimized website. While it doesn't build your website or handle design, you'll have the knowledge to collaborate with a designer or tackle it yourself.

So, is Confident Copy the answer to your website woes?

It depends. If you're ready to invest time and effort in learning to write copy that attracts clients and converts them into bookings, it's definitely worth exploring. But if you're looking for a quick fix or a hands-off solution, it might not be the right fit.

Remember, your website is one of the most important investments in your practice.

By taking control of your copy and learning to speak directly to your ideal clients, you're opening the door to a thriving, fulfilling practice.

Ready to learn more?

Take a look over at The results speak for themselves.

And remember, while this is an affiliate link, my recommendation comes from a place of genuine experience and belief in the program's potential to transform your practice and your life.

I truly believe that with the right tools and support, every therapist can build a website that reflects their unique expertise and attracts the clients they deserve.

How to Claim your $200 Credit:

  1. Use my affiliate link to purchase Confident Copy.

  2. forward your receipt to me at

  3. We will verify and confirm your credit

  4. Use your credit on any of my courses, just let me know and I’ll send you a custom coupon code.


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